Server Vocab
In OzzyGaming, our community use vocabulary to help describe OOC or in-game issues without breaking RP. These words are normally to help someone understand a situation or a problem without ruining their immersion. The words and examples are below:
When a person is talking about the server, they will refer to it as city e.g. "The City has had some construction around here", "The City just had a tsunami" or "Any business open across the city?", This stops people from saying server.
A bubble refers to when someone is driving a vehicle and due to ping or desync, on your screen, it looks as if a player has side swipped you, smashed or collided into you. However, from the other players POV, they simply haven't touched you. This is easily recognised by the way vehicles continue travelling, especially after a major collision. If a bubble happens, do your best to RolePlay your crash!
A spider refers to when a player is sliding across the ground when they are walking or running. Sometimes, it may seem the player is teleporting in a constant direction. If this is noticed, typically players will say, "You have a spider on your foot, jump". Which means the player will jump and from there, will fix the sliding across the ground issue.
Tsunami / Blackout
A Tsunami / Blackout, refers to our scheduled server restarts. Players will say something along the line of "A Tsuanmi is approaching in x minutes" or "The city is about to blackout". This means that the server is restarting.
Wizard refers to a hacker. A hacker will do typical hacker things, blow-up cars, kill everyone etc. When this occurs, players will typically say "There is a wizard in the city".
This one normally refers to being alt-tabbed out of the game. Majority of the time, this is used by business owners when using their documents or when someone went AFK for a few minutes. The player will typically say "Sorry I was in my head, what do you need" which allows the person to understand that they may need to repeat themselves.
This refers to when dealing with a situation in Helpdesk and has gotten assistance from OzzyGaming Staff. However, this is not to be used in any situation. Typically, if you are away from a group and in Helpdesk with staff, if someone is to approach and attempt talking, simply say "I am in my head upstairs". This notifies that person knowing your in Helpdesk with OzzyGaming Staff.
This is used when a person is having some computer issues such as FPS drops, lag spikes, high ping, UI lag etc. Typically, players will say "I'm having a really bad headache at the moment" which explains to players, your computer is being slow.
This refers to the person's screen, it will be used in times when someone's graphics are stuffing up, the map is not loading, or anything that has graphical issues, they will normally say "My eyes are stuffing up".
Head Popped
This refers to the player who has crashed from FiveM, an example of this is when there is a group of people and someone just randomly disappears, the friends of that person will say "Sorry his head just popped".
Flying In / Out
This refers to when a player is logging into the server, or logging out. Normally, this term is used when a player is having PC problems, so they will leave and rejoin the server. This term can also be used at times when a group of friends says "Our friend will be flying in", meaning the person is joining the server.
Voicebox refers to when a players microphone is not being heard, crackling, distorted or having general issues. Players can say "Your voicebox is currently stuffed, your not saying anything" notifying the person their mic needs to be fixed.
Sleep is referred to when a person is going to disconnect for the day / night, indicating that they will be logging off the server. This will normally be stated as, "I am going to sleep in my apartment, enjoy".
Government / Gods
These terms refer to our OzzyGaming Staff team. A player might say "I am upstairs with the gods or I am currently dealing with Government". There's a time and place that these terms are acceptable to use. During any situation / on-going RP, this is a no go. Typically, it may only be acceptable when a situation has finished.
Danny normally refers to new players of the server. Typically, their characters are default, bald, missing texture shoes and white shirt. Normally, these players are here to troll or their game has glitched out, if you see a default Danny it is best to report it to staff by typing "/report message" and to not engage with them and to continue on with your RP.
Visa Revoked
This is referred to when a player has been banned from the server. If this is heard, simply don't continue the conversation. A person might say "I haven't seen Jack in a while" and another person will respond "Ohh Jack had his visa revoked for x time". When that is heard, normally the person understands and continues with RolePlay.
Live Eyes / Big Brother
This is referred to when a player is live streaming on Twitch/Youtube/Kick etc. The streamer may notify people around them, "I have live eyes or I have big brother" which means that absolutely no OOC talk, even when alone and in private. OOC talk should never happen in city, however if it's two individuals away from everyone in private, for a minute or two is acceptable. All conversations should be strictly kept in RolePlay.
Email is a term used to describe discord. People will say, "I am going to send you an email", "check your email" or "what is your email" etc, this way we can use the business discords by calling them business emails etc.
Last updated